A Fearful Symmetry

There’s more than one way to hunt monsters.

A Fearful Symmetry

In “Queer Weird West Tales”, Julie Bozza (ed), LIBRATiger (2022)

short storyweird-west


“So,” I said. “I’ve shown you my surprise. Now tell me yours.”

Carlotta glanced around as if afraid someone might be lurking in the corners of our tiny room, then took a piece of paper from her sleeve. She held it out.

“PROPOSAL ACCEPTED STOP. 1000 PLUS 100 EACH ADDL IMAGE STOP. GRINNELL STOP,” I read aloud. “Who, or what, is a grinnell?”

“Charles Bird Grinnell,” Carlotta said, “is a rich gentleman back East.”

That told me little. Most of our patrons were rich gentlemen from back East.

“The founder of a Society,” Carlotta continued. “For the study and preservation of birds.”

I mused that he had the right name for the job anyway.

“A thousand dollars, Kit. He is prepared to pay us a thousand dollars for a single photograph of a thunderbird.”


A really good fast paced weird creatures encounter ... the final scenes are delightfully weird and mythic.

Runalong the Shelves